
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Prayer for HOPE

When I need to fix my eyes on the hope of eternity.

Eternal God and Savior,
For a prisoner on death row, a pardon offers hope of freedom.  I was once a spiritual prisoner facing eternal death because of my sin.  You have given me the ultimate hope of freedom by forgiving my sins so I can one day be with you forever in heaven.  How can I thank you enough?  When my life here and now seems impossible, you give eternal hope.  Without hope, I could not persevere through tough times.  I would give up/  As I walk through this life, may I fix my eyes on eternity.  May I never forget where I am headed, and why there is not better place to be.  For in heaven I will live forever, with no pain or sorrow or suffering.  What joy! Please help me to move straight ahead toward that goal.  As I do, I know I'll gain a better perspective on the struggles and discomforts of this life.

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  
It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, 
because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead.
Now we live with great expectation,
and we have a priceless inheritance - 
a priceless inheritance
that is kept in heaven for you,
pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay.
And through your faith, God is protecting you by his power
until you receive this salvation...
There is a wonderful joy ahead,
even though you have to endure
many trial for a little while.
1 Peter 1:3-6

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Healthy Prayer Life

As an RN I know health is more than the absence of disease.   Seeking a healthy lifestyle requires an intentional daily choice to balance health habits in nutrition, exercise, sleep and attitude.

Seeking a healthy prayer lifestyle is similar to health- choosing intentionally each day to balance a prayer life with a variety of holy habits.

Good nutrition relies on more than one food group.  A health prayer life tastes a variety of prayers.  I used to only repeat prayers my mother taught me and send up millions of requests to God.  The last few years I expanded my prayer experience with centering prayer, journaling, and prayers from the Bible and other Christians.  My favorite Bible prayer is “I do believe, help my unbelief "(Mark 9:24)...

Exercise is vital to good health including prayer life.  I can’t just talk about prayer, I actually spend time talking and listening to God.  The experience of praying, setting regular time aside and creating a space for silence opens up my heart to the Spirit.

The body needs rest and so does the soul.  I have learned that resting with God through silence, solitude, and the regular practice of going on retreat renews my spirit.

Attitude is always important for a healthy prayer life.  It is not me, not about me and nothing I do.  It is all God and only God.  By spending time with Him in prayer I become less me-centered and more God-centered.  I am more aware of what I need to let go and what keeps me from Him.

God gives us the wonderful gift of prayer in order to be closer to Him and to be more like Him.  Hard to refuse that type of gift, isn’t it?