
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 38 - Faith Journey

SCRIPTURE: Acts 22:1-10 – “My dear brothers and fathers, listen carefully to what I have to say before you jump to conclusions about me.” When they heard him speaking Hebrew, they grew even quieter. No one wanted to miss a word of this.

He continued, “I am a good Jew, born in Tarsus in the province of Cilicia, but educated here in Jerusalem under the exacting eye of Rabbi Gamaliel, thoroughly instructed in our religious traditions. And I’ve always been passionately on God’s side, just as you are right now.

“I went after anyone connected with the ‘Way’, went at them hammer and tongs, ready to kill for God. I rounded up men and women right and left and had them thrown in prison. You can ask the Chief Priest or anyone in the High Council to verify this; they all knew me well. Then I went off to our brothers in Damascus, armed with official documents authorizing me to hunt down the followers of Jesus there, arrest them, and bring them back to Jerusalem for sentencing.

“As I arrived on the outskirts of Damascus about noon, a blinding light blazed out of the skies and I fell to the ground, dazed. I heard a voice: ‘Saul, Saul, why are you out to get me?’

“’Who are you, Master?’ I asked

“He said, ‘I am Jesus the Nazarene, the One you’re hunting down.’ My companions saw the light, but they didn’t hear the conversation.

“Then I said, ‘What do I do now, Master?’

“He said, ‘Get to your feet and enter Damascus. There you’ll be told everything that’s been set out for you to do.”

COMMENTARY: Paul’s faith began in an amazing way on the road to Damascus (see the beginning of Acts 9 for more details). He was bold to share his story and ultimately The Story, the one of God and man. This passage give us a thorough yet succinct explanation of the person Paul was before he met Christ, how he met Christ and the person he became after he met Christ.

REFLECTION: Reflect on your story – how you came to faith and how your faith journey is continuing today. Who were you before Christ? What was meeting Christ like? In what ways is your life different now as a result of meeting him? Are other people different today because of your interaction with Jesus?

Think about how you might describe your life-altering encounter with the Living God. Write or type your story of faith in just two or three paragraphs. Then ask someone you know to help you include the most appropriate details. We are getting very near the 10 days of the initiative where we can use just this sort of testimony as we share the love of Christ where ever God opens the doors in the 10 days following Easter.

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