SCRIPTURE: John 6:60, 66 – On hearing it, many disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?” From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
COMMENTARY: Jesus was popular. Many people were flocking to the countryside to see him heal the sick and raise the dead. The crowds couldn’t get enough! But popularity was never Jesus’ goal.
As Jesus watched the crowd turn away he looks to the Twelve and reminds them they have a choice too. His question to them was, “You don’t want to leave, too, do you?” It was that day that they decided to stick with the Good News and not just some fun events. Another way to put it is that if we only expect to be entertained, we will leave at the first sign of a required sacrifice and call to obedience.
Jesus has something to say to you today, too. It may be the Good News that you can be free from some secret sin. It may be that you are leaning on your greatest strengths and yourself more than him. May God shine his light into your life today and may you respond as Peter did, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”
REFLECTION: Did God shine his light on anything or anyone that is occupying his place in your heart? Has he shined his light on the deepest part of your heart before? If so, what happened? What are your strengths and how can they become idols? Do you believe hard words are a sign of God’s love for you? Read and pray through John 6:25-69.
All of the "I ams" Jesus used to describe Himself give such an amazing picture of the truth that He is all we need. "I am the bread of life" ( John 6:48)- all the "nourishment" I need to sustain life daily. I'm reminded that although God provided daily manna to feed Israel, they had to actually eat it to survive. How true for me spiritually; unless I "feed" on the Bread of Life, I'm going to walk around malnourished!!