
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 22 - Be a Doer

SCRIPTURE: James 1:22, 25 – Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it – he will be blessed in what he does.

COMMENTARY: Some of us are just like them to whom James wrote. Instead of applying all of God’s truth, we apply only the parts that are convenient to us and make us look better publically. There are three parts to good Bible study and application is the third and hardest of those because it requires putting feet to what we have observed and interpreted (the other two parts of Bible study).

It is my opinion that we watch a lot of film leading into the big days of our lives and know what the playbook, the Bible, has to say on the topics, but when it comes to the activity we are too often Armchair Christians. We watch people who are actively serving God and putting in the sweat equity only to give a play-by-play commentary: “They should have done it that way”. Armchair Christians enjoy singing the songs of the faith. They know a good sermon when they hear it and really appreciate when it is well-constructed. The problem is that they stay as hearers and don’t move on to being doers. James recognizes this and informs his readers to get in the game.

The law of sowing and reaping applies here. When we act on truth, God opens our minds and hearts to understand more truth. When we feast on God’s Word regularly, we are compelled to put it into action. This action leads to continual fulfillment in Christ. This continual fulfillment leads to increased action and hunger for more of God. So the cycle continues.

REFLECTION: What are some characteristics of people who are hearers but don’t apply much of God’s word? (How do they relate to God? How do they relate to others? What is their attitude?) What are some characteristics of people who are doers? Is it harder for you to apply God’s truth than it is to observe and interpret it? Are there areas in your life that you know what God wants you to do but you avoid obeying him? If so, what are the results?

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